Our complete range of spray nozzles and systems

Listed below is our complete range of spray nozzles and systems for various spray applications, in alphabetical order.

För att snabbt kunna hitta en specifik dysa listar vi alla våra dysor i bokstavsordning.

AFF flat fan nozzle is used for water mist and offshore fire suppression, with FM Approval certification. The nozzle creates a coarse atomisation with medium impact spray. The spray angle is extra wide, 145°.


  • 31.6 - 264 l/min
  • 145°
  • Extra wide spray angle
  • FM Approved
  • Flat fan nozzle with deflector spray
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BJ flatstråledysa består av 3 delar – spraytip, dyskropp, samt ett integrerat filter som tillval i 50, 100, 200 eller 400 mesh i 316SS. Spraytippen är utbytbar.


  • 0.0898 - 93.9 l/min
  • 0° - 110°
  • Interchangeable spray tip
  • Filter optional
  • Axial flat fan nozzle
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Dysan består av 3 delar – spraytip, dyskropp, samt ett integrerat filter som tillval i 100, 200 eller 400 mesh i 316SS beroende på dysstorlek. Dysan har en utbytbar spraytipp i tungsten carbide, vilket ger maximal slitstyrka och lång livslängd.


  • 0.0454 - 16.4 l/min
  • 5° - 120°
  • Interchangeable spray tip in tungsten carbide
  • Filter optional
  • Axial flat fan nozzle
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CW är en spraydysa kommer som två varianter - fullkonsdysa eller hålkonsdysa. Dysan består av 3 delar – en spraytip, en dyskropp, samt ett integrerat filter som tillval i 50 eller 100 mesh. Dysan CW tillverkas av BETE Spray Technology.


  • 0.355 - 8.07 l/min
  • 80° - 120°
  • Interchangeable spray tip
  • Integrated filter optional
  • Axial full cone nozzle
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CW är en spraydysa kommer som två varianter - fullkonsdysa eller hålkonsdysa. Dysan består av 3 delar – en spraytip, en dyskropp, samt ett integrerat filter som tillval i 50 eller 100 mesh. Dysan CW tillverkas av BETE Spray Technology.


  • 0.355 - 8.07 l/min
  • 80° - 120°
  • Interchangeable spray tip
  • Integrated filter optional
  • Axial hollow cone nozzle
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DTH tangentiella hålkonsdysa är framtagen för Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) och sprayar både uppåt och nedåt, vilket leder till att tryckfallet minskar samt att dropparnas uppehållstid (residence time) ökar. DHT hålkonsdysa tillverkas av BETE Spray Technology.


  • Used in flue gas desulphurisation applications
  • Silicon Nitrade Bonded Silicon Carbide (SNBSC)
  • Tangential (double) hollow cone nozzle
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Dur O Lok är en koppling framtagen för att ersätta standard ANSI-flänsar. Det finns flera fördelar med att använda Dur O Lok, t ex snabb installation och lägre underhållskostnader. Dur o Lok är tillverkad av BETE Spray Technology.

Dur O Lok

  • Coupling, replaces standard ANSI flanges
  • Lightweight
  • No threads and bolts
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EHP, Hydropulse® Food Grade Electrically Actuated, är en dysa som används för intermittent sprayning av vätska där det ställs krav på livsmedelshygien. EHP är elektriskt styrd och kan hantera upp till 150 cykler/sek. EHP skapar en mycket hög precision i doseringen, vilket bland annat leder till en jämn kvalitet och minimalt med spill i produktionen.


  • Max 3.8 l/min (liquid)
  • Max 150 cycles/sec
  • Electrically actuated
  • Food Grade Hygienic Design
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EHPI, Hydropulse® Industrial Electrically Actuated, är en dysa som används för intermittent sprayning av vätska i industriella miljöer. EHPI är elektriskt styrd och kan hantera upp till 50 cykler/sek. EHPI skapar en mycket hög precision i doseringen, vilket bland annat leder till en jämn kvalitet och minimalt med spill i produktionen.


  • Max 3.8 l/min (liquid)
  • Max 50 cycles/sec
  • Electrically actuated
  • Industrial Design
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The EZFF flat fan nozzle consists of the EZ quick-coupling and an FF spray tip. The quick- coupling makes it possible to change nozzles without tools in seconds.


  • 0.0669 - 161 l/min
  • 105° - 145°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • Extra wide spray angle
  • Flat fan nozzle with deflector spray
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The EZFF flat fan nozzle consists of the EZ quick-coupling and an FF spray tip. The quick- coupling makes it possible to change nozzles without tools in seconds.


  • 0.134 - 120 l/min
  • 0° - 120°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • High impact spray
  • Axial flat fan nozzle
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The EZFF flat fan nozzle consists of the EZ quick-coupling and an FF spray tip. The quick- coupling makes it possible to change nozzles without tools in seconds.


  • 1.34 - 134 l/min
  • 15° - 50°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • High impact spray
  • Large free passage
  • Flat fan nozzle with deflector spray
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EZTF fullkonsdysa och EZTF hålkonsdysa består av EZ snabbkoppling och en TF spraytipp. Snabbkopplingen gör det möjligt att mycket snabbt utföra ett byte av dysa utan verktyg. EZTF tillverkas av BETE Spray Technology.


  • 1.87 - 221 l/min
  • 60° - 180°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • Fine atomisation
  • Wide range of different spray angles
  • Spiral full cone nozzle
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EZTF fullkonsdysa och EZTF hålkonsdysa består av EZ snabbkoppling och en TF spraytipp. Snabbkopplingen gör det möjligt att mycket snabbt utföra ett byte av dysa utan verktyg. EZTF tillverkas av BETE Spray Technology.


  • 1.87 - 221 l/min
  • 60° - 180°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • Fine atomisation
  • Wide range of different spray angles
  • Spiral hollow cone nozzle
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EZWL dysa består av EZ snabbkoppling och en WL spraytipp som skapar en fullkonsspray. Snabbkopplingen gör det möjligt att mycket snabbt utföra ett byte av dysa utan verktyg. EZWL är tillverkad av BETE Spray Technology.


  • 0.355 - 74.4 l/min
  • 30° - 120°
  • Snap release spray nozzle system
  • Axial full cone nozzle
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Choose the right spray nozzle for an optimised spray process

Each type of spray nozzle has a specific flow rate, spray pattern and droplet size. To optimise the spray process, it is important to understand how different parameters affect the choice of spray nozzle and solution. 

LC Hansa Engineering AB
Linda Caporicci Column internals, Droplet separation, Spray nozzles & systems, Other products I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
AB Hansa Engineering AB
Alexander Bergman Droplet separation, Column internals, Spray nozzles & systems, Tank cleaning I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
HL Hansa Engineering AB
Hans Linder Spray nozzles & systems, Tank cleaning, Safety showers, Tank storage equipment I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
SM Hansa Engineering AB
Sol Millerv Dust control, Spray nozzles & systems, Tank cleaning I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
RR Hansa Engineering AB
Robin Ryberg Spray nozzles & systems, Tank cleaning I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
  • What is the function of the spray nozzle and the spray process?

    The first step when choosing the right spray nozzle is to define the function and application of the spray process, such as cooling a gas, washing a tank or flushing a conveyor belt. Type of spray nozzle, thus also spray pattern and droplet size, are important to consider in order to optimise the spray process.

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  • Which droplet size is most suitable for the spray process?

    Droplet size is often critical in optimising a spray process. Many processes, such as gas cooling and gas scrubbing, depend on exposing the maximum total liquid surface area. The liquid then needs to be distributed in a large number of small droplets to create as much total surface area as possible. Other spray processes ...

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  • What surface should the spray cover? How should the nozzle be positioned?

    The position of the nozzle over the target (D) and the area to be covered by the spray (B) are important to know in order to choose the right spray angle (A). The spray angle is measured near the nozzle orifice and the droplets are immediately affected by external forces such as gravity, air and gas flow.

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  • Desired flow rate? Available pressure?

    Desired volume flow depends on the specific spray process. Most spray processes have general rules of thumb for flow ranges, but in many cases on-site testing is needed to achieve the right results.

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  • What type of liquid is used in the spray process?

    A liquid's specific gravity, viscosity and the presence of particles affect the spray characteristics of the nozzle.

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  • Are there external factors affecting the nozzle spray?

    Sometimes the spray is affected by external forces such as process gas flows, air flows or wind.

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  • Which material is most suitable for the spray process?

    Listed below are a number of factors that should be considered when selecting materials for a specific nozzle. An incorrect choice of material is likely to affect the performance and life of the nozzle. We are happy to help and advise on which material is most suitable in your ...

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  • What are the benefits of an optimised spray process?

    There are many factors to consider when selecting a nozzle for a specific spray process. An optimised spray process can make a big difference, contributing to: improved product and process quality increased production and reduced time for unplanned stops reduced maintenance costs lower operating costs by reducing the use of ...

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