Other droplet separation products and solutions

Listed below are products for efficient droplet separation, not included in our other droplet separation categories. Spin vane is used for separation of larger droplets at high gas velocities. Becoflex is a wet scrubber, brilliant in its simplicity, which effectively removes particles from a gas flow and is often combined with a demister for further droplet separation.

Choose the right product for optimised droplet separation

 To achieve the most effective droplet separation, it is important to understand how different parameters affect the choice of product and type of solution. 

LC Hansa Engineering AB
Linda Caporicci Column internals, Droplet separation, Spray nozzles & systems, Other products I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
AB Hansa Engineering AB
Alexander Bergman Droplet separation, Column internals, Spray nozzles & systems, Tank cleaning I look forward to providing product advice and solutions! Let's meet via a video call or a site visit. You can also phone or email us, of course.
  • How does droplet size affect choice of droplet separator?

    A process gas contains a wide range of droplet sizes distributed in line with a normal (Gaussian) distribution graf. Different types of droplet separators capture and remove different droplet-size ranges.

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  • Why is pressure drop an important factor when selecting and designing a droplet separator?

    A process gas flow is generated by a fan or compressor, which creates a vacuum or outlet pressure. Pressure is energy, which is a cost and needs to be taken into account in order to find an optimal solution.

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  • Are there any specific requirements regarding separation/removal efficiency?

    Separation or removal efficiency targets may be set by statutory emission requirements or a need to reduce a certain amount of contaminants in order to avoid corrosion and other damage downstream in the process. In some processes, droplet separators are used to reuse valuable substances and product.

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  • Which other parameters affect the selection and design of a droplet separator?

    In addition to droplet size, allowable pressure drop and desired separation efficiency, there are a number of other important factors to consider when selecting and optimising the design of a droplet separator.

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  • Why is effective droplet separation a win-win for your business and the environment?

    Efficient and optimally designed droplet separation removes contaminants and other unwanted substances in the process prevents damage and corrosion to pipes, compressors and other process equipment enables product recycling ...which leads to increased process efficiency, energy and cost savings, and reduced hazardous emissions.  

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